Thursday, January 31, 2008

You've Got Mail!

Today, while I was on break preparing for a class one of the staff members placed a pastel yellow envelope on my desk. I removed my iPod earphones and stared at the envelop. I looked at the post mark and saw that it was from the Wright Family in VA. I was like wow! someone is thinking of me? It was a warm and fuzzy feeling. I hesitated on opening the card at first because I wanted to wait until I got home to do it, but I just couldn't help it. As soon as I opened I was fighting back tears. It was so sweet and at that moment those were the words I needed to hear. (I honestly didn't think anyone would send me any cards or care packages. I figure out of sight out of mind, but they really do miss me and are thinking of me..I feel so special!) Anywho, as I ripped open the pastel yellow envelop, pulled out the card, it read:

Thinking of You with Love

Sending special thoughts
to keep you company,
wishes to cheer you,
and love to warm you.

Be Good to you!

Aunt C & Uncle V

I want to cry now writing this..I will end by saying this, "go hug somebody and tell em' you love em'" You never know how much it will mean to them. It will make there day. So to all my friends and family here is a big hug from me and know that I love you and miss you and I am always thinking of you...smooches! But for some strange reason I have not gotten homesick

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because if you don't who will?


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The End of a Busy Season

Well, it is that time of the year where the children are preparing to go back to "regular" school. While on vacation they still have to go to school and that is where the hagwon comes in. We are there to teach the children English and prepare them for there futures in English speaking countries, schools, jobs, etc. Today ends the 11 hour schedules and fast paced courses, now we are working a 4p-11p standard schedule...What a much needed break it will be during the day. Now to show you how I spent my day let's take a look a few pictures I was able to get.

The men of my Panorama 2 class (This is the first class
I taught when I got to Korea)

"Free Time" (This is there favorite part of class)

The ladies of my Panorama 2 class.
(They didn't want to take a pictures with the
boys, so they made me come in the hall to take it)

"Teacher" with the Ladies of Panorama

This is my Panorama 1 class. We had a snack party to
celebrate the end of busy season. Everyone brought in
there favorite snacks and they also got snacks from Teacher,
but as you can see they punished there snacks. By time I got
the camera out they were finished and enjoying there last day
of "free time".

The men of my Panorama 1 Class...just chillin!

Ummm...Ramyun or affectionately known as Oddles of Noodles.
Want some? Well, maybe next time...

Two of my favorite ladies in my Panorama 1 class. This class
gave me a Korean name which is, Naseohye!

They set me up...they was like teacher let me
see your camera and would not give it back
until I took a picture...I got punked!

After the morning classes some of us went to lunch. I would
tell you the name of it, but I don't know how to spell, but let
me tell you it is so goooooddddddd! I am still full. After a few
spoonfuls of this it is then mixed with rice..they sure know how
to stretch a meal.

Well, that ends the most important part of the day...Now as for me
I am about to go get some much needed rest and relaxation.

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because if you don't who will?


Sunday, January 27, 2008

From the Heart

Well, today marks the 30th day that I have been here in South Korea. Can you believe it? I am not even home sick yet, so you know that I must be liking it here. If you know me you that I am a homebody and I love to be with my family and friends and I can't go to long without seeing them, so this year is going to be hard. This has been one of the biggest adjustments in my life, but without the support of my family and friends I would not have lasted this long. I just want to "Thank you" for all of your love, support, and prayers because without you there is no me. Thank you allowing me to see a new outlook on life and experiencing what most are afraid to do. Thank you for the emails and care packages, too.
Miss you and I love you. See you all soon! Just 11 more months to go...

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Yourself, & Love Life because if you don't who will?



Friday, January 25, 2008

The Season Ends

I am fastly approaching the end of "busy season"..Yippee!! Well, let me tell you what "busy season" is, so you can feel my anxiousness for it to come to an end. The children here are on vacation, however they still have to go to school? huh? Are you serious? Yes..that was my same reaction. This is still a vacation because they are going to school less. They go to school all year round. During busy season we work 11 hours a day (and a few hours on Saturday) not including the time we take to prepare, grade papers, or go buy goodies for our students (they are rewarded for everything, like if they do there homework, say a word right, or compliment the teacher..well they usually do that to get out of doing no homework or get a little "free-time" in I see over 125 students a week, and by time I get home I can not sleep because I am either doing homework for Grad School or on IM or both...(Sidebar: I have figured out the source of my

We had this vicious virus going around the office and I was next in line. On Monday I went to school taught a few classes and then bamn! it hit me...My students were asking me if I was alright and you know me I have to be strong for the I told them that I alright. I started feeling really cold and then I was in the bathroom every 5 minutes as the day progressed it got worse by 4pm that afternoon I had to go home. I got home and got straight in the bed the symptoms where crucial and my fever was steadily climbing...after that I was out like a light. The next morning I was feeling better. Weird, right? But it is over and I am feeling back to my self again. When I got to my classes the next day I didn't realize how much my students missed me because they were asking if I was alright and why did I get sick? As if to say, "don't let it happen again"...or at least that's what I think.

Once the season ends on Tuesday we go back to working from 4p-11p..Yippee!! So even if I stay up until 6am on IM I still can get some sleep and make it to work on time and do home work and work on my website and do some sight seeing and...well you get the point :) I am going to have all of this free time and I don't know what to do with myself. On Sunday, will make 30 days since I have been here and I have been in a whirl wind ever since, in a few days I will be able to take all of this in, as I am typing, I am starting to realize that I AM ACTUALLY IN KOREA AND I AM A TEACHER WHAT IN THE WORLD???? HOLY COW! (by the way who says holy cow?? excuse me just this one I didn't know what else to

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Life & Love yourself because if you don't who will?


Monday, January 21, 2008

Dare to Dream

(Photos by: Flip Schulke)

MLK said this statement ON HIS OWN FUTURE (April 3, 1968): "We've got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn't matter with me now. Because I've been to the mountaintop. I won't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And he's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over, and I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the Promised Land. So I'm happy tonight. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. " (

It is never too late to fight for your dream! Do you have a dream that you want to fulfill? So why aren't you pursuing it? Look forward and not backward. If you are always looking back you will never see what is in front of you.

In Memory of Dr. King...The Dream Continues

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because if you don't who will?


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Money in the Bank

Today it has become official...I am a legal resident of South Korea, well at least for a year anyway. After receiving my Alien Registration card I headed straight for the bank to open up an account. One of the main reasons I came to South Korea is to save money, so I can get what I want when I want and not have to depend on anyone to get it for me unless they want to (smile). I think I deserve to happy for once in my life and the only way for me to be happy is to make myself happy instead of depending on people to make me happy, if I do that then I will always be let down. I can not believe that I am a citizen of South Korea, never in a million years did I think I would be here of all places. I AM A FINALLY A MILLIONAIRE! YES!

Today, is also my 3 week anniversary. 3 weeks since I have been away from my friends and family. 3 weeks since I have started a new chapter in my life. 3 weeks since I have moved overseas. 3 weeks since I have been submersed in a new culture. 3 weeks until Valentine's day and I do not have a Valentine (tear) (Sidebar: I am a hopeless romatic and one day I hope to meet that special someone) I will be my own Valentine this year. 3 months until my birthday (April 6 and don't you forget Well, the list goes on and on, but I must admit it feels like I have been here for a long time. What the world am I going to do?? Furthermore, what in the world was I thinking?? I have been able to meet some new people and hopefully build some lasting friendships.

I am excited about the rest of my journey here...

Sidebar: NOOOOO I am not dating anyone here and you don't have to worry about me hooking up with anyone or having any Korean babies, so please stop saying that...I did not come here for that. What I want is in America, although I don't know who he is yet, I am quite sure there is someone for me back in the States. I am patient, so I am willing to wait...I have nothing but time. So now that we got that squared away..Stop making fun of me and no I am not bringing you back a Korean husband (for the ladies) or Korean wife (for the fellas) that speaks no English so they rub your feet, cook you rice and say, "that's my pleasure" lol...

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because if don't who will?


Monday, January 14, 2008


As I lay here looking out of my bedroom window I start to gaze at the neon lights that adorn the buildings, the cars that are going up and down the highway, the cars going through the toll gate going to their destination, and the mountains that seem so close, but yet so far away. I have been up for 36 hours now and I not tired yet. I am literally forcing myself to go to sleep after I finish this blog, but most likely I will just lay here looking out the window and thinking.

Well, what will I be thinking about? I am glad you Seriously, I am looking at the mountain and I kinda feel like that mountain. It looks so close to me, but it is not within my reach I have to go through some things to get to it, but once I go through those things I learn about myself and learn from those trials. I look at it and I don't know what to expect because far away it looks so peaceful and serene, but the closer you get to it you start to see all of it's imperfection like, the wear and tear of the beauty that once was because people have taken advantage of it and neglected to handle it with care. It is not until now that people are concerned about it and wanting to restore this beautiful landscape to it's original condition.

I am looking at it and I am thinking about my life the things that I have gone through, the people who have hurt me, the lessons I have learned, the opportunities that I have been given, the moves I will make, and where God is taking me and the things I have not yet to see or could ever even imagine, the places I will go or the people I will meet. Only time will tell, but I am ready for what is for me. This is the first time in my adult life where I can say that I am truly happy because I don't have anyone trying to hold me back or hold me down. This year I will experience alot of first's for instance this is the first year that I have ever been single, moved overseas, left my family and friends for 1 year, teaching English, and much more, but most importantly I am finally happy and it is an amazing feeling, indescribable.

Now I wonder if could be this happy when God blesses me with a tell you the truth at this point in my life I am content/happy with being single for the rest of my life...that was so random, but anyway..the whole point of this blog was that I can not sleep and was just laying here thinking about

Like Tom Hanks said in Forrest Gump, "Life is Like a Box of Chocolate, you never know what you are gonna get.."

Until next time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because if you don't then who will?


Lettuce Eat!

In case you are missing me...

Just know that I am missing you and thinking of you...too!
This is the church I attend in Bundang it is called,
Global Mission Church. The main location is in the white
building (2001 Outlet) that is where the Korean members
attend and the brown building is where the English service
is held. The membership is over 10,000 and they had to
expand to the brown building.
The doors I walk through to get to church.
Service was good today the Pastor talked
about "Making Wise Decisions", it was good
stuff. Have you been making wise decisions,
if not consider your past when making future
decisions?? Think about it. After service I
went to bible study and then after that I went
to lunch with a nice Korean lady I met last
week at Church, but before that I had to go to
Krispy Kreme and get me a half a dozen donuts.
(The Krispy Kreme is right next to the church..Yippee!!)

One of these places is where I ate.

Now, let's EAT!

In the Korean culture you must take off your shoes before
entering someone's home and in some restaurant's as well.

How low can you go?? In most restaurant's
you sit on heated floors to eat.

Michelle (the nice Korean lady I met at church) and I eating
Dwegi Gulbi (?)

Me concentrating on how to use these dang chopsticks.
In the Korean culture they do not use forks, spoons, or
knives they use chopsticks and scissors (see them laying
on the table to your right), but they will give you utensils
if you want them.

The finished product. How to eat: Take a piece of lettuce,
1 piece of meat, and some fixin's, wrap it up...
And EAT!
And now I present is served with every meal!
Water Kimchi (Like how I put the water bottle
in the picture)

Cucumber Kimchi

Traditional Kimchi

Me eating Kimchi (the guys in JS would be proud of me.
Look at me I conquered my fear and I am eating Kimchi
and I liked it!!) By the way Kimchi is fermented cabbage.

Yes, she is cleaning lettuce, etc. on the street!
Until next time...
Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because if you don't who will?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Let it Snow!!

The bridge I walk across in the morning

The street I ran down today, but I had to stop and take a quick picture

The chair I saw while I was running down the street
I had to take a picture, but for some reason all I could think
about is a cup of coffee? umm...I wonder why?

The park I ran through to get to school

The cute kid I saw building a snowman while
running across the bridge, down the street,
pass the chair, through the park to get to school

This morning as I awakened I looked outside to see that it was SNOWING!! What the world...So immediately I told myself that I was going to leave out a little earlier than I normally do, so I could be on time. It is something about the change in whether that makes you run later than usual. Anywho, I still left out at my regular time and in fact was running late, so as I was walking as fast as I could I was taking pictures too...could that be the reason I was running late? Maybe, but it didn't matter. As I was practically skating on ice in my tennis shoes at this point I ran across a child building a snow man. I am surpised at how good the picture turned out because I was running and I was like I must slow down to take this picture, it was too cute to pass up.

Until next time...

Love God, Love Yourself, & Love Life because if you don't who will?


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

School is in Session


You can run, but you can't hide!

Teacher, what are doing with that camera?? I don't know
what I am going to do with you teacher...(sigh)

My students hard at work on a writing assignment.

Alright, Teacher I will let you take a picture.

Okay, now let me get back to work.

Teacher, leave me alone. Go Away!

I am trying to finish this assignment.
Remember you only gave me 8 minutes to finish it!

"He is the Man"...he is taking a minute to pose for the camera,
while a student in the background and in front of him
are trying to distract him. See how is grabbing the pen
and someone is trying to put up 2 fingers behind his head.

Teacher, we are ready to go why are you still taking pictures.
As you can see one of my students is trying to avoid the camera.
These are the ladies hard at work in my morning class.
These are just a few of my students...Right now I teach 40 classes a week with a combined total of approximate 40-75 students per week.
Until Next Time...
Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because if you don't who will?