Sunday, March 30, 2008

7 Day Birthday Countdown...

Well, it is 7 days until my birthday and I hadn't really thought much about it because it is not the same as being at home with my family and friends. However, I am making the best of it and I will still be able to celebrate with a few of my friends from back home.

It is not to late to send your birthday cards, letters, & money..hehehe, but what is really at the top of my list is MARTIN Seasons 1-5...So, if you were wondering what to get me this would be the perfect gift!

You can send cards, money, and care packages to:

Natarsha N. Wright
Seoul Language Institute-Bundang
46-6 Jungia-Dong, Bundang-Ku
Sungnam-si, Kyunggi-Do,
463-010, South Korea

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because, if you don't who will?


Natarsha Nicole Wright

Saturday, March 29, 2008

You Got Served...R16 World BBoy Championship

After work, Chris, Neesa, and I met up to go to the BBoy Competition. We had a really good time and plus it gave us something to do instead of being in the house on the weekend. We even got a chance to watch some of the Korean Crews practice minutes before they went to battle on stage.
I couldn't stop saying, "YOU GOT SERVED" after the battle

Take a look at some of the pics I took with my trusty point and shoot.

Today, I attended the R16 World BBoy Championship: Korean Eliminations in Gyeonggi-Do Seongnam City. According the description posted on Facebook, "The Top Bboy (Breakdance) crews from all over Korea will come together to compete in a tournament style Competition for the right to represent Korea at the R16 World Bboy Championships and Urban Arts & Culture Festival to be held in Suwon City from May 30 to June 1st. The R16 Urban Culture Festival is the largest Urban Arts festival in Asia with over 300+ artists,Bboys, DJs, Graffiti Writers, MCs, special performers, and exhibitors from over 25+ different countries from around the world.
South Africa, Brazil, USA, Japan, China, France, Italy, Spain and much more."

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because, if you don't who will?


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

All Work and No Play

It is the almost the end of another session at school. I had to take a picture of me hard at work grading papers for my students (I have close to 75 students this term and I teach 31 classes per week Monday-Saturday). I work hard for the

This session we had a lot more paper work than usual, so I have been brining work home with me. In 6 more days I will get a new set of students and another load of paper work to do. And just think I have to do this for the next 9 months...Calgon take me away! Do they still make Calgon?

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because, if you don't then who will?


Sunday, March 23, 2008

He Lives...Resurrection Sunday

Easter is more than just going to church once a year, buying a new outfit, dying easter eggs, easter egg hunts, and bunny shaped chocolates.

Christ died on the cross to forgive our sins, and rose from the dead to give us eternal life.

God saved us from our sins and has already forgiven us for all of our sins. Our sin points out our need to be forgiven and cleansed. Although we don't deserve it, God, in his kindness, reached out to love and forgive us. He provides the way for us to be saved. Christ's death paid the penalty for our sin. Now, it is time for you save yourself from your sin! No matter how small or big the sin, a sin is still a sin, but he forgives us and loves us no matter what.

Plan of Salvation: Romans 10:9
To be forgiven of our sin, we must believe and confess that Jesus is Lord. Salvation comes through Jesus Christ. If you are not saved, want to be born again, in a back slidden condition, or you have not given your life to Christ it is not to late to have come to him and ask for forgiveness. God declares in Roman 10:9, that if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord, " and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. And yes, it is just that simple! Commit your life to God and see him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that is at work within us (Ephesians 3:20).

You have tried everything else why not try GOD? Get to know God for yourself!

Prayer for today:
“Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”

He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because, if you don't then who will?


Friday, March 21, 2008

He Died and then...

Today is Good Friday. The day that Jesus died for all of our sins. Three days later Jesus rose from the dead, which we celebrate as Easter. Everyone has sinned against God and Jesus paid our debts when he died on Calvary.

It is written: John 3:16-21
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."

Romans 3:22-24 "The righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented himself as a living sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood."

God's love is not self-centered; it reaches out and draws others in. Here God sets the pattern of true love, the basis for all love relationship-when you love someone, you are willing to give to the point of self-sacrifice. God paid with the life of his Son, the highest price he could pay. Jesus accepted our punishment, paid the price for our sins, and then offered us the new life that he had bought for us. In internal life there is no death, sickness, enemy, evil, or sin. When we don't know Christ we make choices as though this life is all we have. In reality, this life is just the introduction to eternity. Receive this new life by faith and begin to evaluate all that happens from an eternal perspective. To "believe" is to put your trust and confidence in him that he alone can save us. It is to put Christ in charge of our present plans and eternal destiny. Believing is both trusting his words as reliable, and relying on him for the power to change. If you have never trusted Christ, let this promise of everlasting life be yours and believe.

Plan of Salvation: Romans 10:9
To be forgiven of our sin, we must believe and confess that Jesus is Lord. Salvation comes through Jesus Christ. If you are not saved, want to be born again, in a back slidden condition, or you have not given your life to Christ it is not to late to have come to him and ask for forgiveness. God declares in Roman 10:9, that if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord, " and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. And yes, it is just that simple! Commit your life to God and see him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that is at work within us (Ephesians 3:20).

You have tried everything else why not try GOD? Get to know God for yourself!

Prayer for today:
“Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”

God will give you hope for tomorrow, joy for your sorrow, and strength for everything you go through. -Martha Munizzi

I am eternally grateful to Jesus. I am relentless. If it had not been for Jesus I don't know where I would be. Do you know where you would be, if Jesus did not save you from yourself?

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Yourself, & Love Life because, if you don't who will?


Thursday, March 20, 2008

It's Spring!!

I can not believe that it is SPRING already. That only means
one thing..only 17 MORE DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY (April 6)!!
Don't forget to mark your calendars!

Good Friday is tomorrow and Easter is Sunday (two weeks early).
I am in awe because it is already almost 4 months into the year. Wow!

Happy first day of Spring!

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because, if you don't who will?


Sunday, March 16, 2008

What's the Worst that Can Happen?

Okay, so where do I begin? Here goes..before I had gotten sick I had committed to photographing an event. Well, my sore throat had developed into flu like symptoms and I felt miserable, but I still had to go to work, so I had not had time to rest. In the interim, when I got off of work on Saturday I went home to rest hoping that I could break the slight fever I was getting. Even though I was sick I still felt like I had to honor my obligation, so I head to the event to take the pictures. After it was over and they saw how sick I was they told me not to worry about coming on Sunday to take pictures and to stay home and get some rest. She asked me why didn't I tell her that I was sick and my response was I didn't want to disappoint her and that I knew how important this was to her. At this point, time is getting away from me because the trains stop running at midnight and it is 10:50p, so I sprint to the subway station because I have 2 transfers to make and it takes me an hour and a half to get my mind I thought that I could make it. I was soooo wrong!

Timeline of Events

Saturday, March 15, 2008
7:45pm - leave house to go to event

7:55pm - train arrives

9:30pm - arrive to event

10:50pm - leave event

11:00pm - train arrives

11:35pm - transfer to train #1

11:55pm - train arrives

Sunday, March 16, 2008
12:05am - they make everyone get off the train and I was only one transfer away from being on the train I needed to be on to go home

12:06am - me thinking I can not believe this is happening

12:10am - try to catch a cab from subway station home, but I don't have cash

12:15am - walk to atm to get cash, but the atm's are turned off...not only does the subway stop working at midnight, so does the atm machines

12:16am - me thinking I can not believe this is happening

12:17am - regroup and try to figure out what to do next, so I start walking and I see a bus, I run and get on it, however it is going in the opposite direction of where I need to be going

12:22am - I see signs that say, "Olympic Park" Yippee! This is where Chris lives. I can just spend the night there until the subway's open back up at 6am

12:28am - I get off the bus too soon

12:29am - I look across the street and see Olympic Stadium, so I figure I was not that far from Chris's house

12:30am - I call Chris to see, if I could come to his place and to find out how far away I was. However, he was not home, but he said that I could go stay there (thank goodness for electronic locks).

I start walking towards the signs that say, "Olympic Park" I figure I was pretty close

I was wrong

12:45am - It starts raining

Raindrops keep falling on my head

My body is aching

I have an excruciating migraine and I left my medicine at home

and....I have to go to the bathroom really, really, really bad

I am still walking towards the signs that say, "Olympic Park"

Praying and asking God, to protect me and to not let any hurt, harm, or danger come to me and to please, please direct me and give me the strength to keep walking

12:50am - Neesa calls and stays on the phone with me until I get there

1:00am - Chris calls to see, if I am okay

I am still walking

1:05am - singing feet don't fail me know because at this point I don't know how much longer can do this

1:30am - after an hour of walking I FINALLY, arrive at Chris's. I go next door to get something to eat because I am famished

2am-6am - I stay up watching tv and occasionally dose off

6:10am - walk to subway station to go home

start falling asleep on the train

almost miss my stop

7:00am - FINALLY, arrive to Jeongja

7:10am - FINALLY, arrive to my apartment

I had to call somebody and tell them because I could not believe all that I had just experienced

Shower, fix breakfast, type this blog post, watch tv, & talk on the phone until I get tired because at this point I am wide awake, but I am so tired

9:30am - getting sleepy. GOING TO BED NOW!

10:30am - I thought I was going to sleep an hour ago

10:35am - dosing off

12:18pm - someone calls and wakes me up...*me screaming and kicking* dang it all I want to do is sleep I am so tired.

12:30pm - fix tea, mad because I can't go to sleep

1:00pm - watch a movie and wash clothes

3:00pm- my friend who called earlier and woke me up brought me food and medicine...aww how sweet

3:15pm - eat food, take medicine

4:30pm - FINALLY, I get to go to sleep



Until next time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because, if you don't who will?


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Offline..Cough! Cough!

I am sick and will be offline for a while.

Being sick is the worst...espcially in a foreign country...boooooooo :(

Until next time....

Love God, Love Yourself, & Love Life because, if you don't who will?


Monday, March 10, 2008


Have a great day!

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because, if you don't who will?



By time you read this it will be Sunday where you are, but Monday where I am, so this is a reminder to change the time on your clock 1 hour ahead.

Info from an article by Cornelia de Bruin The Daily Times

March 9, this Sunday, marks the beginning of daylight-saving time. This is the second year that adds four weeks of "spring forward" time. It's because of the Energy Policy Act passed by Congress three years ago.

Time officially changes at 2 a.m., the hour chosen because it seemed least interruptive to schedules. March 9 at 1:59 a.m. the time will magically become 3 a.m., reversing the process Nov. 2.

Until next time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because, if you don't who will?


Snapshot 1...What a Day!

Yesterday (Sunday), I had the opportunity to photograph the dress rehearsal for the bilingual production of the Vagina Monologues in South Korea. I will also be taking pics for the 2 day show here on March 15-16. What a day! The devil was really busy today and trying to do everything possible to stop me from going through the door God has opened for me, but my God is bigger than anything the devil can do. After all is said and done, I was able to capture some amazing shots, despite the obstacles. I will be posting pictures next week after the last show.

Until next time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love yourself because, if you don't who will?


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dr. Fishee

On Saturday, after work I went to go get my hair braided in Seoul. I met Neesa and we went to Gagnam to go to Dr. Fish. Dr. Fish is a cafe where you can eat, drink coffee, get your nails done, get a massage, and put your feet in a warm pool with hundreds of tiny fish nibbling away at the dead skin on your feet, hence Dr. Fish.

My feet are so ticklish. I could not stop laughing. It was hilarious.

Below is a few pics of us at Dr. Fish. Video coming soon!

Dr. Fish

The Preparation (Wash & Sanitize)

The Fish

Okay, so here goes...

15 minutes later I was finally able to put my feet in the water

30 minutes later Neesa and I were both able to stop laughing long
enough to keep our feet in the water longer than 5


Here is a picture of the Sunset I took on Saturday

Until next time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because, if you don't who will?


Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Friendly Birthday Reminder...

Hi Family and Friends! Just a friendly reminder:
My birthday is in 30 days! APRIL 6!

Me on my 25th birthday @ lunch at the Cheesecake Factory
(one of my favorite places to eat)!

You can send cards, money, and care packages to:

Natarsha N. Wright
Seoul Language Institute-Bundang
46-6 Jungia-Dong, Bundang-Ku
Sungnam-si, Kyunggi-Do,
463-010, South Korea

Until Next Time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because, if you don't who will?


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Say What?

I was just notified that I have the opportunity to volunteer (because you can not work another job while you are teaching) as one of the lead photographers for V-Day Seoul 2008. V-Day Seoul is a A Bilingual Benefit Production of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues as part of the 2008 V-Day Campaign. The V-Day Campaign is a global movement to stop violence against women and girls. I will be taking photos of the dress rehearsal, 2-day show, and after party. I am honored to be apart of this event.

If you are in South Korea and are interested in finding out more details about this event please click here for more details.

Until next time...

Love God, Love Yourself, & Love Life because, if you don't then who will?


Time Well Spent

I am back from my mini sabbatical. We had the Korean Independence Day and we are also about to start a new school session and had a few extra days off of work (Saturday and Sunday). I had a fun and eventful weekend. I went to go visit my little angels at the orphanage, I went sightseeing in Seoul, I went to a Norebong (Karaoke), and I went to visit my good friend in Suwon who came to South Korea with me.

Hope Angel Orphanage

Insadong (a section in Seoul)

My friends from church took me sightseeing and to dinner.

Peace. Make love, not war!

My Korean friends and I.

Street Vendor.

Cell Phone Charms.

Cell Phone Charms.

I thought these hats were cool. It reminded me of re-run!

I saw this ring and fell in love with it. I am going to buy it
for myself. Treat yourself! Bling! Bling!


Insadong side street.

The Korean Restaurant we had dinner at.

Chicken Stew.

Korean Pancake.

Norebong (Karaoke). This is the firs time
I did anything like this, but it was so much


This construction worker stopped me and
asked me to take his picture.

A restaurant Neesa (there she is at the table) and I had lunch at.

My guilty pleasure...31 flavors!

Until next time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because, if you don't then who will?


Saturday, March 1, 2008

On Vacation

Today, is the commemoration of Korea's Independence Movement.

This means that I am on vacation for a few days...YES! It is much needed. I will take this time to go visit my friends in other parts of Korea, whom I have not seen since New Year's Day. I can not wait to see them.

I will be on a mini-vacation from today until Tuesday.

Have a great weekend!

Until next time...

Love God, Love Life, & Love Yourself because, if you don't who will?
